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२००५च्या मे महिन्यामध्ये बेथ हॉलोवेला तिची मुलगी नॅटली तिच्या हायस्कुल सीनियर क्लासच्या ट्रीपला गेलेली असताना अरूबा बेटावरून बेपत्ता झाल्याचा भयानक फोन आला. ह्या घटनेला चार वर्षे झाल्यानंतर बेथने तिच्या मुलीच्या बेपत्ता होण्याची ही कथा आणि हृदय पिळवटून टाकणारा तिचा तो कसोटीचा काळ, तसेच ज्या अतूट विश्वासाच्या जोरावर तिने ह्या परिस्थितीशी झुंज दिली, त्याबद्दल जगाला सांगायचे ठरविले. मुलीच्या शोधासाठी बेथने पूर्णपणे समर्पित स्वयंसेवकांच्या ताफ्यासह अथक परिश्रम घेतले. तरीही यातील अनेक प्रश्न अनुत्तरित होते आणि अजूनही आहेत. घटनेच्या या कथनातून भ्रष्ट राजकारणाचे जे दर्शन घडते, त्यामुळे ‘सत्तेपुढे शहाणपण चालत नाही’ ह्याच वचनाचा प्रत्यय येतो. एका आईच्या हिमतीची, ताकदीची, समर्पणाची आणि अढळ प्रेमाची ही प्रेरणादायी सत्यकथा आहे!
This inspiring story chronicles how one mother faces the horror of her daughters disappearance and finds the strength, hope, and courage to carry on that can only come from a deep-rooted faith. 16-page color photo insert. This is the story no one should have to tell, about the nightmare no one wants to live, told by the parent no one wants to be. In May of 2005, Beth Holloway received the worst phone call a parent can imagine. Her beautiful daughter, Natalee, had disappeared without a trace in Aruba during her high school senior class trip. Two years later, for the first time, Beth Holloway steps forward in this astonishingly candid and inspirational memoir to tell of her harrowing ordeal and her never-ending belief in the power of faith that gave her hope against all odds. Natalee`s senior class picture was splashed across the front pages of the country`s newspapers and on television. Desperate for a clue as to her daughter`s whereabouts, Beth and an army of faithful volunteers searched tirelessly for the missing eighteen-year-old. In their pursuit of Natalee, they encountered many roadblocks. As the horror stretched out, Beth stood on her foundation of faith, which at times was all she had to give her strength against a barrage of unbearable questions with no answers.Natalee`s disappearance remains unsolved and her location unknown to this day. Beth`s search continues.
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