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सध्याच्या वेगवान जगात ‘ई-मेल्स’, ‘सेलफोन्स’ अशांसारख्या तत्पर संपर्कमाध्यमामुळे जग जवळ आणले आहे; पण एकेकाळी मुख्यत्वे ‘पत्रं’ या माध्यमातून संपर्क साधला जात असे. पत्रांतून कामांच्या तपशिलांखेरीज आपुलकी व जवळीकही साधली जात असे. शिवाय ही ‘पत्रं’ त्या एका विशिष्ट कालखंडाचा दस्तऐवज बनून इतिहास अभ्यासकांना व भावी पिढ्यांना मार्गदर्शक ठरत असत. ‘पत्रं’ हा कायमस्वरूपी माहितीस्रोत असतो. या पुस्तकातली सुमारे ३०० पत्रं इतिहासाचा अनमोल ठेवा आहेत. ‘जे.आर.डी. टाटा’ या विलक्षण व्यक्तिमत्त्वाच्या चिकित्सक लेखणीतून उतरलेली ही विविध विषयांना स्पर्श करणारी ‘पत्रं’ तत्कालीन सामाजिक, राजकीय, आर्थिक, औद्योगिक अशा अनेक क्षेत्रांचं दर्शन घडवतात आणि विसाव्या शतकातील एका महान, बहुआयामी व्यक्तित्वाचं अनेकपदरी अंतरंग उलगडून दाखवतात.
Contained in these pages is the correspondence of a man who for the major part of his life was at the helm of affairs of the house of tata, one of the largest industrial groups in India, and has left an indelible impression on the country`s economic & social life. J.R.D. Tata was a prolific letter-writer, and this first-time compilation of some three hundred of his letters reveals various facets of his personality, his relationships with people, the projects he was involved in, his views on issues, his kindness, forthrightness and sense of humour, his concerns as a citizen, the values he lived by, and his personal interests. The range and depth of his interests and concerns are reflected in the huge cross-section of people these letters are addressed to: family members, his colleagues in Tata, business associates, ministers and bureaucrats, friends in India and abroad, as well as others who were not known to him. J.R.D. Tata’s Letters bring to life the achievements of a twentieth century legend.
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