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श्लोमो व्हेनेत्सिया हे सालोनिका येथील इटालियन ज्यू समाजातील. वयाच्या २१व्या वर्षी त्यांची ऑश्विट्झ-बिर्केनॉ या छळछावणीत रवानगी झाली आणि तेथील झाँडरकमांडो या नावाने ओळखल्या जाणा-या गटात त्यांना घालण्यात आले. तेथून ज्या काही मोजक्या लोकांनी आपली सुटका करून घेतली त्यापैकी ते एक आहेत. एस.एस. या जर्मन पोलीस दलाने गॅस चेंबर्स साफ करण्यासाठी व त्या चेंबर्समध्ये मारल्या जाणा-या माणसांचे मृतदेह जाळण्याकरता या ‘खास गटा’ची स्थापना केली होती.
Our lives are pretty similar to the characters we played in the filmi we`ve gone from being From the slums of Garib Nagar in Bandra East to the red carpet of the Oscars- nine-years-old Rubina`s journey has been an astonishing one,almost as astonishing as Jamal`s quiz show victory in Slumdog Millionaire. This is her story- of playing marbles in the gulees of Garib Nagar with her friends, reluctantly going to school, dreaming of acting in films, and then having it come true. But underneath this fairy tale lies a grimmer reality, the reality that faces countless number of slum children. Rubina brings alive the world of the chawls with its wastelands and shanty dwellings, the lives of the children who grow up in them, the story of her cart-puller father, and the rest of her family. She tells us about life on the film set, the aftermath of the Oscars (including the controversy over her father), and how it feels to have the media spotlight on her. What does it mean for a little girl to move from slumkid to star so quickly? What will the future hold for her?
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