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ही गोष्ट – एका प्राणिसंग्रहालयाची...त्यात राहणा-या प्राण्यांची... माणसांची... त्यांच्या नातेसंबंधांची! सहा वर्षे सखोल संशोधन करून थॉमस फ्रेंच यांनी लिहिलेल्या या आगळ्यावेगळ्या गोष्टीमध्ये तुम्हाला अविस्मरणीय अशी पात्रे भेटतील. कधी एखादा नर चिम्पांजी भेटेल, तर कधी परम्यूम्सची आवड असलेला वाघ भेटेल... तर कधी अत्यंत हुशार असे या संग्रहालयाचे सीईओ भेटतील! इतकेच नाही, तर ही गोष्ट तुमच्यासमोर अनेक निकडीचे प्रश्न उभे करेल : अस्तंगत होत चाललेल्या प्राण्यांच्या प्रजातींबाबत काय भूमिका घेतली पाहिजे? त्यांना वाचवण्यासाठी माणसाने काय केले पाहिजे? जंगलांवर पर्यायाने प्राणिजगतावर माणसाचे होत असलेले आक्रमण कसे थांबवले पाहिजे?..विशेष म्हणजे अशा गंभीर मुद्द्यांविषयी बोलताना ही गोष्ट नीरस होत नाही, कारण त्यात हसू-आसू, हरवणे-गवसणे, सुख-दु:ख अशा भावभावनांचे विलक्षण नाट्य असल्याने ती आपल्याला खिळवून ठेवते.अशी ही एका प्राणिसंग्रहालयाची गोष्ट...निसर्गावर नियंत्रण ठेवू पाहणाNया मानवी हव्यासाची... विचार करायला लावणारी...!

Welcome to the savage and surprising world of Zoo Story, an unprecedented account of the secret life of a zoo and its inhabitants. Based on six years of research, the book follows a handful of unforgettable characters at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo: an alpha chimp with a weakness for blondes, a ferocious tiger who revels in Obsession perfume, and a brilliant but tyrannical CEO known as El Diablo Blanco. The sweeping narrative takes the reader from the African savannah to the forests of Panama and deep into the inner workings of a place some describe as a sanctuary and others condemn as a prison. Zoo Story shows us how these remarkable individuals live, how some die, and what their experiences reveal about the human desire to both exalt and control nature. Welcome to the savage and surprising world of Zoo Story, an unprecedented account of the secret life of a zoo and its inhabitants. Based on six years of research, the book follows a handful of unforgettable characters at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo: an alpha chimp with a weakness for blondes, a ferocious tiger who revels in Obsession perfume, and a brilliant but tyrannical CEO known as El Diablo Blanco. The sweeping narrative takes the reader from the African savannah to the forests of Panama and deep into the inner workings of a place some describe as a sanctuary and others condemn as a prison. Zoo Story shows us how these remarkable individuals live, how some die, and what their experiences reveal about the human desire to both exalt and control nature. Welcome to the savage and surprising world of Zoo Story, an unprecedented account of the secret life of a zoo and its inhabitants. Based on six years of research, the book follows a handful of unforgettable characters at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo: an alpha chimp with a weakness for blondes, a ferocious tiger who revels in Obsession perfume, and a brilliant but tyrannical CEO known as El Diablo Blanco. The sweeping narrative takes the reader from the African savannah to the forests of Panama and deep into the inner workings of a place some describe as a sanctuary and others condemn as a prison. Zoo Story shows us how these remarkable individuals live, how some die, and what their experiences reveal about the human desire to both exalt and control nature.
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