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‘‘म्या दारूला शिवलो न्हाई. शप्पत सांगतो, मी घेतल्याली न्हाई. उगा इनाकारणी माज्यावर अदावत घेऊ नका.’’ राऊ खोतानं साफ झिडकारलं तशी ती सारी चावडी खालवर झाली. लोक खदाखदा हसू लागले आणि राऊ खोतच म्हणाला, ‘‘हसून दावू नका. खरं सांगतो. मी घेतल्याली न्हाई.’’ रामभाऊ हसून म्हणाले – ‘‘गड्या, तुझ डोळं सांगत्यात की रं!’’ ‘‘अण्णा, डोळं काय सांगत्यात? गपा, उगच गप्प् बसा.’’ ‘‘उतरंस्तवर गप् बसावं म्हणतोस व्हय राऊ?’’ ‘‘अहो, काय चढलीया काय मला?’’ ‘‘अजून चढली न्हाई म्हणतोस?’’ ‘‘अहो, त्याचं नावसुदिक घेऊ नगा. शिवल्याला न्हाई म्या त्याला!’’ एक सनदी पुढं झाला आणि मोठ्यानं म्हणाला, ‘‘शिवल्यालं न्हाई, तर मग दडून का बसला होतास?’’ ‘‘शेबास! मी काय दडून बसलो होतो काय?’’ ‘‘दडला नव्हतास तर मग माळ्यावर काय करत होतास?’’ ‘‘माळ्यावर काय करतोय! गडद झोपलो होतो?’’ ‘‘मग खाली जागा नव्हती काय?’’ ‘‘ते तुम्हाला काय करायचं? आम्ही खाली झोपू न्हाईतर वर झोपू!’’ राऊ असं आडवं बोलला आणि सबंध चावडी पोट धरून हसू लागली.
"By god, I did not touch wine, I did not drink it. Unnecessarily do not blame me.` As Rau Khot totally refused everyone present was astonished, they all started laughing heartily. Seeing this Rau Khot said, "Do not laugh at me, I am telling you the truth. I did not drink.` Rambhau said with a smile, "my dear, your eyes are deceiving you.` "Anna, what are my eyes saying? Now just shut up for god`s sake.` "Oh, you mean to say that we should keep quiet till you are off the hangover?` "But as I did not drink, so there is no question of a hangover!` "Are you still denying that you are having a hangover?` "Do not mention it at all. I did not even touch it, forget about having it.` One of the spectators came forward and said loudly, "if you did not even touch it, then why were you hiding?` "Oh! Now look, what are you talking about? Why do you think I was hiding?` "Yes, you were hiding on the loft, otherwise, why would you go there?` "What was I doing on the loft? What a question, I was fast asleep on the loft.` "Why so? Was there no space on the ground below?` "Why are you so concerned with it? It is none of your business. I will sleep wherever I please, be it the ground or the loft.` Listening to Rau`s dialogue everyone again started laughing heartily.
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