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अन्नातील पोषक घटक कोणते? आरोग्यपूर्ण जगण्यासाठी कशा प्रकारचा आहार इष्ट आहे? उच्चतम पोषणमूल्यांची माहिती तुम्हाला आहे का? अन्न कसे; कितीवेळा, केव्हा, किती प्रमाणात सेवन करावे? आहारात समाविष्ट असलेल्या घटकांची भूमिका काय असते? आहाराविषयीच्या सध्याच्या सजगतेच्या काळानुरूप या पुस्तकात या सारख्या प्रश्नांच्या चर्चेमधून पोषक आहाराविषयी आपले शंका समाधान होईल.
A small book of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics is a complete reference for nutrition, diet surveys, anthropometric measurements and food adulteration have been added for the benefit of students of extension courses. The tables of recommended dietary intake for various groups will be useful to dieticians and food counsellors. This book is written keeping socio-economic and health conditions in India and developing countries in perspective. Cheap and nourishing food substitutes and novel foods developed through nutrition research have also been listed. The role of nutrition in health and the fundamental principles of nutrition are explained with a view to their application to individuals in all age groups and health conditions.
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