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अडाणीपणा, बेरकीपणा, मूर्खपणा, भोळसरपणा इ. माणसांचे "सदगुण` म्हणजे विनोदी लेखनासाठीचा कच्चा मालच. ग्रामीण आणि नागर दोन्ही भागात हा कच्चा माल भरपूर प्रमाणात असतो. प्रत्येक विनोदी लेखकामागे एक मिश्किल माणूस दडलेला असतो आणि तो हा कच्चा माल बरोब्बर हेरून त्यातली विसंगती खेळकर पद्धतीने शब्दबद्ध करतो. पंढरपूरसारख्या अर्धग्रामीण भागात बालपण घालवलेल्या द..मा. मिरासदारांना असा कच्चा माल भरपूर प्रमाणात गवसला असल्यास नवल नाही. अशा "सदगुणी` माणसांचे वेचक अनुभव ते आपल्या खुमासदार शौलीत कथन करतात. तेहा सामान्यांना अगदी सा­ध्या सु­ध्या वाटणाया"ना सुद्धा मजेशीर परिमाण घेऊन आपल्यासमोर येतात. द.मां.च्या लेखनाचे एक वौशिष्ट्य असे की ते केवळ इतरांच्याच अनुभवाकडे मिश्किल नजरेने पाहतात असे नहे, तर स्वत:चीही फिरकी घेतात. अशा स्वत:च्या घेतलेल्या अनेक फिरक्यांचे हसवणारे सूर या "बेंडबाजा` म­धुन ऐकू येतील.
The author has spent his childhood in a town like Pandharpur which is actually a mixture of village life and urban life. The residents here are an excellent combination of innocence, shrewdness, stupidity and smartness. Da Ma, the author famous for his entertaining and humorous writing has successfully portrayed these qualities in his stories, always. He has also woven these qualities together and has shown the controversies in the minds of these people. In this book, the author has taken a review of various incidences right from his young age. It includes stories based on his journeys through railways and buses; his visit to Mumbai with his friend when by mistake they not only entered another’s house but also stayed there as their own. Through a few articles, he has tried to elaborate a few concepts in various fields. Throughout the writing, he reflects his witty humour making the reader forget everything for a moment. His words has such strength that they create a perfect picture engulfing us in its surroundings
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